Extensive TUR

The moment after I came out of recovery on December 17, 2013, Dr. Neuwirth stepped by my bedside. Mala was there.

Dr. Neuwirth said, “I found a 5 mm polyp and removed it. However, I need to do another TURBT (Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor), this time in the hospital under anesthesia.”

To prepare for this surgery, I had to see a primary care physician, which I don’t have at this time. Our beloved Dr. Nagar left her practice to become a full-time mother and she had just had a baby. The visit to the doctor required blood work and an EKG. Also, I needed at CT scan.

All of this had to take place by January 3, 2014.


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  1. The 2013 Episode is password protected. To receive access, please order Stop Cancer in its Tracks: How to Embrace Mindfulness in Healing from the image on the right.

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