HealthyWay Award!

Less than two weeks later, I received the following email from HealthyWay:

Dear Web Colleague,

Congratulations! Your site has won a HealthyWay Best of the Web Award!

After reviewing thousands of Web sites, the HealthyWay team has designated your site, “Yellow Stream — A Bladder Cancer Diary”, as one of the best online resources for health and wellness information.

A review and link to your site is provided from the Health Links section of HealthyWay. This section features links to over 10,000 Web sites, articles, and FAQs: Conditions & Diseases, Visit the Specialist, Disabilities, Alternative Medicine, Family Living and more. Only the very best of these sites are reviewed and rated by the HealthyWay team — and “Yellow Stream — A Bladder Cancer Diary” is among this select group.

As a result of its usefulness and quality as an online resource, we are pleased to announce that your site is a recipient of our Best of the Web Award.

HealthyWay is an award-winning Web site dedicated to helping people get well and stay well. The HealthyWay provides a balanced health focus, combining the elements of traditional medicine, complementary medicine, and healthy, active living. We’ve built online health communities that overcome the limitations of time, distance, rarity of condition, and physical disabilities. Comprehensive, well organized resources plus a unique review/rating system helps people quickly and easily access relevant information and services.

To collect your award, please visit the HealthyWay Winners’ Circle (now defunct), which contains instructions on how you can display the HealthyWay Best of the Web Award.

Best Regards,

Angela Warburton
